MCP Coach Approach
Coaching in the Mathematics Coaching Program (MCP), as in some other coaching programs, is intended to provide long-term, high-quality, classroom-embedded professional development for the teachers in the buildings where coaches are employed.
The MCP coaching approach is grounded in the concept of the coach and teacher teaming to improve student learning of mathematics. This teaming includes collaboration in the development of lessons, team teaching, collaborative debriefing focused on student learning, and a continuation of this cycle of reflective practice. Coaches bring an expertise from their own professional development experiences to assist teachers in the use of inquiry, guided discovery, and problem-based, student-centered mathematics instruction, as well as in teacher professional learning of mathematics content for teaching.
Since the ultimate goal of the coach approach in the MCP is to improve student achievement in mathematics, the MCP-endorsed instructional strategies are not an experiment. These strategies are research-based, reform-based teaching methodologies that are already known to help students better learn, understand and apply mathematics.
While providing professional support in teaming with peers, MCP coaches also are gaining knowledge of classroom instructional methodologies, mathematics content and professional development.